Dear {first_name},
Thanks for your payment. Here are the details related to your transaction.
Amount Paid: {paid_amount}
PayPal Transaction ID: {transaction_id}
Here is the information related to your Hotel Booking at the Crowne Plaza Universal
- Hotel Confirmation Number (Booking ID) : {booking_confirmation_id}
- Check In Date {check_in} / Check Out Date {check_out}
- Room Type: {room_type}
- Persons: {persons}
- Pre Congress Nights {pre_night} at $110/night, including parking (a $17/night value), but excluding taxes of 12.5% (payable to the hotel)
- Post Congress Nights {post_night} at $110/night, including parking (a $17/night value), but excluding taxes of 12.5% (payable at the Hotel)
- SeaWorld Optional Event at $85/person: {optional_sea}
Attached, please find the invoice covering your participation. If you find any error or issue, contact us by clicking here. Please note that if there is a discrepancy between the amount debited on your card, and the price on the website, the price on the website will prevail.
Deposits are not refundable, except for professionnally documented medical reasons.
The date of the final payment, not the date you made your deposit, determines the applicable price to attend the congress. This also applies for your guests.
Airport transport to and from the hotel are not included. Click here to see what options are available to you. If you wish to rent a car at the Airport, click here for information.
Subscribe to a travel insurance. No reimbursement will occur without professionally documented medical reasons.
Congress fee INCLUDES 2-nights hotel stay. Up to three Pre and/or three Post congress hotel nights can be added to your online registration by selecting them from the Booking tab, at an additional fee of $110 per night, including parking (A $17/night value).
You may purchase tickets at special prices for Orlando attractions from our Skålleague Know Before U Go. Purchase your tickets here.
You will need to update your registration under the following circumstances:
- You want to add a companion
- You want to select the SeaWorld optional event on Thursday evening
- You wish to add additional pre and or post nights
- You want to pay an outstanding balance following new selections
- To get back to update your registration, you only need to go on the website and click on Login at the top right of the Menu bar. Then enter your Skål ID, go into your email inbox to retrieve the secure code and enter it where requested. Should you run into any problem, please click here.
Skål Orlando and our host committee looks forward to welcoming you at this year’s congress. Please click here for Full congress program information. Should you require any further information, please click here to contact us. To submit a problem, click here.
The Skål Orlando 2022 NASC Coordination Team
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