Instructions on
Updating Your Registration

You will need to update your registration under the following circumstances: - To add or remove a companion - To select or cancel the Thursday optional SeaWorld Welcome Reception & Dinner - To add or remove pre-post nights - To pay an outstanding balance following new selections
To update your registration, you only need to click here. From there, enter your former nine digits Skål ID, or your new 13 digits Skål Code. If you do not have this number/code handy, please contact us by clicking here. Then, go into your email inbox to retrieve the secure code and enter it where requested.
Should you run into any problem, please click here.
Congress fee INCLUDES 2-nights hotel stay. Pre or Post congress hotel nights can be added From the Pre-Post Nights Tab at an additional fee of $110 per night, exclusive of taxes, but including parking for one car (a $17/day value).
Please note, that once your final payment has been made, it is no longer possible, from the registration platform:
– To cancel your registration or the registration of your companion
– To cancel the SeaWorld optional event, either for you or your companion
– To delete a transaction
– To assign your registration or the registration of your companion to someone else
These can only be processed manually, upon request to the Congress Coordinator (click here) and are subject to administration charge of $100 USD and/or the posted cancellation clauses on the congress website.
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